Plain Route

A plain JavaScript object route definition. <Router> turns JSX <Route>s into these objects, but you can use them directly if you prefer. All of the props are the same as <Route> props, except those listed here.



An array of child routes, same as children in JSX route configs.

getChildRoutes(location, callback)

Same as childRoutes but asynchronous and receives the location. Useful for code-splitting and dynamic route matching (given some state or session data to return a different set of child routes).

callback signature

cb(err, routesArray)

let myRoute = {
  path: 'course/:courseId',
  childRoutes: [

// async child routes
let myRoute = {
  path: 'course/:courseId',
  getChildRoutes(location, cb) {
    // do asynchronous stuff to find the child routes
    cb(null, [ announcementsRoute, gradesRoute, assignmentsRoute ])

// navigation dependent child routes
// can link with some state
<Link to="/picture/123" state={{ fromDashboard: true }} />

let myRoute = {
  path: 'picture/:id',
  getChildRoutes(location, cb) {
    let { state } = location

    if (state && state.fromDashboard) {
      cb(null, [dashboardPictureRoute])
    } else {
      cb(null, [pictureRoute])


This is the same as specifying an <IndexRoute> child when using JSX route configs.

getIndexRoute(location, callback)

Same as indexRoute, but asynchronous and receives the location. As with getChildRoutes, this can be useful for code-splitting and dynamic route matching.

callback signature

cb(err, route)

// For example:
let myIndexRoute = {
  component: MyIndex

let myRoute = {
  path: 'courses',
  indexRoute: myIndexRoute

// async index route
let myRoute = {
  path: 'courses',
  getIndexRoute(location, cb) {
    // do something async here
    cb(null, myIndexRoute)